The Secret of JPP
Yesterday we had the longest dinner ever at Barn Thai. Not because we ordered a lot - in fact we only had 3 dishes, less than usual - but we were waiting for Sonny and Sandy to finish up a big catering order. The reward for our patience was admittance into the inner sanctum and watch a JPP, our JPP, being made, right before we devour it.
It was after much wrangling and strategic positioning that we reached this development, even though it was voluntarily promised to us a while ago.
Alas, the demonstration was over in less than 3 minutes, and no real great secret was revealed. The beauty of JPP, as we suspected, lie in its simplicity. But the devil was in the details of course. Can we make our own now? Well, probably not, as we don't have such things like the correct brand of materials, etc. But we can sleep a little easier at night now knowing if we were stuck on an island (that's not near the Andaman Sea), we wouldn't have to live without JPP forever.
It also seems we may finally be on for dimsum this weekend with them. I always enjoy taking newbies through that experience.
BTW, the innards of a professional wok station looks like some device of Sauron's devising.
Dare I expose my ignorance, and probably forgetfulness, and ask what JPP is?
Andrew GJ Fung, at 6:08 PM
wok fried thai rice noodle dish with crab. it was the last dish at the reception dinner.
DragonX, at 9:09 PM
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